
Wine Selection by Wines Experts

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This brilliant online wine merchant is the brainchild of acclaimed wine experts David Campbell (wine publisher guru and  Everyman’s Library founder) and Esme Johnstone (Majestic Wines Founder).

They offer a small range of carefully selected delicious drinking wines, principally from France, Italy and Spain, imported direct from the wine growers and delivered to your door at the click of a mouse at very competitive prices. Their speciality is declassified wines from the top French wine region which gives you an excellent wine at a even better price.

One of my favourites is La Petite Sirene 2015 from Chateau Giscours and I am delighted it is back in stock and of course the Whispering Angel rose is a must for the Summer.

I would highly recommend you click on their website and try their excellent selection of great quality wines.

You could also ring them for advice, dont forget to mention Almost Essential to get your discount. The number is 020 7549 7900 and ask for Robin, he is very helpful and knowledgeable.



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