The AE Lifestyle blog

Schools: state vs private expat education


Private schools fees are rising above inflation in most developed country. Parents are asking us, education consultants, about state school options abroad says Will Orr-Ewing in a FT article; Will founded one of our recommended Education Advisory company,

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Top tips for GCSE results D-day


One of our recommended tutor agencies, Osborne and Cawkwell, tells us about what to expect on GCSE results D-Day

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The new English literature specifications for senior school.


English Teacher, Incognito: The new English Literature specifications are tricky. Very tricky.

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Why has it become so competitive to get into the UK private schools?


Over the last decade, gaining entry to UK independent schools, i.e. public schools, has become increasingly competitive as we have all experienced. I asked Diana Stewart-Brown based in Singapore for one of Almost Essential recommended Education Advisor, her views on what are the biggest factors.

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Nutrition tips to help focus in exams


The dreaded exam season is upon us and our youngsters...We need good performance enhancer or stress relief tips don't we? Holly from our recommended Osborne and Cawkwell tutoring company, is sharing with us her nutrition based favourites.

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Invaluable Parenting tips for a harmonious summer with the children


Holidays are meant to have fun and a nice family time with our children. Easier said than done, I find. So I asked my recommended Parenting specialist to share with Almost Essential their 10 top tips to achieve a "harmonious holiday"

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Next General Election impact on Education


What will the General Election mean for Education? Osborne Cawkwell one of our recommended Tutor company shares their view with Almost Essential

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Man Up? It’s International Women’s Day


Lucy, the founder of one of our recommended tutor agency is giving us her view on International Women's day

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Time to talk


In our current times of social media where everyone gets to judge you and your life in an instant, it is even more important that young people are strong, resilient and filled with the belief that they are on the right track.

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Last minute advice for 11 Plus


Last minute really useful advice to all the parents of the 11+ children from our recommended Tutor agency

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How to help your children revise over the Christmas Holidays

Education Uncategorized

One of our recommended Tutor agencies is giving us really useful advice on how to revise during Christmas...I could use some of the memorising techniques!

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Tutoring to support academic progress


Sometimes, our children need a bit of support to keep on top of all the new material they have to learn...Tutoring used as a support tool, as opposed to a pushing tool, is really beneficial

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