Education Health Check For The Start Of The Academic Year
Unsure about how to monitor your child’s education, or keen to have an unbiased opinion regarding progress and future goals?
One of Almost Essential’s recommended education consultancies is offering a new ‘Education Health Check’, which is designed akin to an annual ‘MOT’ ensuring families are getting the best possible educational experience. Drawing upon a comprehensive knowledge of the UK education system, the ‘Education Health Check’ will advise parents on their educational options as they plan their child’s educational future.
To many families, even those who live in the UK, the UK system remains an enigma. The Education Health Check seeks to provide a common-sense and proactive sounding board for other miscellaneous educational troubleshooting.
What is covered in the Education Health Check?
– A quarterly consultation with a member of the team as well as access to our support when needed via phone or email
– A timeline and prompts about registration/assessment deadlines
– Six monthly academic assessments and six monthly mock interview with feedback
– Make contact with schools on your behalf if needed, especially when applying outside of normal deadlines
– A review of your children’s school and tutor reports
– Planning and discussion with respect to your longer-term educational strategy
– Advice on choosing schools – school registration deadlines; discussion of school types such as day vs boarding and single-sex vs co-educational; specific school recommendations.
– Access and referrals to an unparalleled network of trusted advisors, from Oxbridge experts to the best SEN advisors
– Reading recommendations and summer school, holiday and wider enrichment recommendations
– Advice on sourcing relevant work experience and suitable careers advisors.
To learn more and discuss organising an Education Health Check, contact our recommended consultant through the Almost Essential portal .